Intersectionality in Individual Choice Behavior: Pitfalls and Opportunities

I show how intersectionality, interconnections of social organizations that create interdependent systems of disadvantage, plays a role in individual choice behaviour when people use outcomes of others like them to cope with sources of noise in decision making they cannot control for. I analyze how the different dimensions of a social type interact in belief formation and choice behaviour at the individual and aggregate level, and show how an intersectional lens sheds light on inequalities and patterns in aggregate choice behaviour that are not visible with a one-dimensional lens.

Prof. Vincent Crawford


JI Research Theme

Game-theoretic microeconomic theory, particularly bargaining and arbitration, strategic communication, matching markets, learning, and coordination. His current research is on behavioural and experimental game theory and behavioural economics more generally.

Dr. Soenje Reiche


JI Research Theme

Contract theory, economic theory, industrial organization, information economics

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